If you see corruption in your dealings with PRGI, please do not stay silent; you can complain with confidence as your identity will be kept confidential. This is possible with Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers Resolution (PIDPI), 2004, which is a Government of India mechanism through which a complainant can act as a whistle-blower by lodging a complaint to the Vigilance Officer at PRGI.
The complainant can raise his/her concerns about corruption or misuse of office by a public servant while keeping his/her own identity a secret. You can visit www.cvc.gov.in. for detailed guidelines.
Shri Joyce Philip
Vigilance Officer
(Deputy Press Registrar General)
9th Floor, Soochna Bhawan, CGO Complex
Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003
Office of Press Registrar General of India,
Ministry of Information & Broadcasting
Phone (O11) 24369965
Email ID aprnpcs-rni[at]gov[dot]in
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