

Any person not satisfied by any service of the Office of PRGI, or aggrieved by action or inaction by the Grivance Officer in PRGI, can seek redressal of their grievances through the Grievance Officer. The aggreived person shall be informed about the action taken on his/her grievance within a period of 30 days from the date on which the complaint is received in this office. Also, if anyone wishes to give suggestions for improvement of the services provided by PRGI, he/she can send them to the Grievance Officer at the below address, or Email it to: 

Shri Rajith Chandran M.R.
Grievances Officer
(Deputy Press Registrar General)
Room No. 977, 9th Floor, Soochna Bhawan, CGO Complex 
Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003 
Office of Press Registrar General of India,
Ministry of Information & Broadcasting 
Phone (O11) 24369968
Email ID dpradmn[dot]rni[at]gov[dot]in