Existing Policy Condition No.2 of Chapter 48 of ITC (HS), 2012, Schedule – I (Import Policy): Item cover under Exim Code heading 4801 shall however be permitted without an import licence subject to Actual User condition to those who hold 'Registrations Certificate' issued by the Press Registrar General of India (PRGI), Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, New Delhi, on submission of necessary documentary evidence, duly authenticated by the PRGI, to the satisfaction of the Customs authorities at the time of import of goods. In addition, importer shall also be required to submit an annual audited statement reflecting the total quantity and value of the newsprint consumed and quantity of newsprint imported by them in the preceding (Licensing) year to the Registrar of Newspapers for India, by 30th April of each year. The format of the declaration and the annual statement and other guidelines in this regard shall be as announced by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting from time to time.
Effect of this Notification: Actual users holding registration certificate from PRGI can import item covered under Exim Code heading 4801 by filing bill of entry for home consumption or warehousing, at the time of import of goods.
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